/C O R R E C T I O N -- TechWeb/

In the news release, InformationWeek Debuts Multimedia Premium Content Apps for Mobile Subscribers, issued 08-Dec-2009 by TechWeb over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the sixth paragraph, the quote attributed to David Buckland, should read

InformationWeek Debuts Multimedia Premium Content Apps for Mobile Subscribers

Audio + Video "Snaps" Optimized to Deliver Concise Article Summaries Directly to Busy Executives' Smart Phones

Dec 10, 2009

TechWeb's InformationWeek, the leading global business technology media brand, has debuted advanced mobile and multimedia "Snap" applications to deliver concise, article summaries to busy, on-the-go subscribers via their mobile phones and desktop PCs.

InformationWeek Snaps are audio and video slide show presentations that quickly summarize and provide actionable perspective on pressing issues facing busy InformationWeek subscribers. These executive summaries, less than 3 minutes in length, can be accessed three ways: delivered directly to a subscriber's smart phone or desktop via email, from mobile.informationweek.com, and from a desktop browser. Using a standard MP4 file format, the Snap application utilizes the existing player on the user's device so no software downloads are required and the application works on any device.

"We have been getting incredible early feedback on this application, especially from busy, mobile professionals that use their smart phone as their main device to organize, communicate and disseminate info," said Tom Smith, Vice President, Analytics at TechWeb. "The Snap applications are ideal for premium content like InformationWeek Analytics Reports and Briefs where they get immediate insight on a specific topic and then have the opportunity to download the full content for planning and implementation."

To deliver this innovative application, InformationWeek is partnering with Theo Networks, a Utah-based provider of a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) mobile applications that brings multimedia articles and content summaries to subscribers' smart phones and desktops

"Snaps serve as an ideal source of information for our progressively mobile business technology audience, offering an engaging, easy to use, rich dose of the content that our audience trusts, in a format they desire," said John Siefert, Senior Vice President and Publisher, InformationWeek. "Combining the innovative nature of Theo's SNAP with InformationWeek's content is yet another market leading innovation that separates InformationWeek from the pack."

"The Theo-InformationWeek partnership is a perfect example of what our solution provides to both content providers and mobile users," said David Buckland, CEO of Theo Networks. "Our technology and service allows our customers to summarize, deliver, and track their critical content in an innovative format that gets mobile users the relevant facts in a quick and entertaining fashion."

An example of the Media Snaps is available at mobile.informationWeek.com and at http://www.theonetworks.com/MS/SmarterExecutives11-16.mp4 . Executives can subscribe via email alert simply by submitting your email address http://www.informationweek.com/snap/snap_signup.jhtml.

About InformationWeek (http://www.informationweek.com/)

InformationWeek provides IT executives with unique analysis and tools that parallel their work flow -- from defining and framing objectives through to the evaluation and recommendation of solutions. Anchored by InformationWeek, the multimedia powerhouse that looks across the enterprise, InformationWeek scales across the most critical technology categories with online properties like DarkReading.com (security), IntelligentEnterprise.com (application architecture), NetworkComputing.com (networking and communications) and PlugintotheCloud.com (cloud computing). InformationWeek also provides focused content for key IT targets, such as CIOs, developers and SMBs via InformationWeek Global CIO, Dr. Dobb's and InformationWeek Small Business (bMighty.com), as well as vital vertical industries with InformationWeek Financial Services, Government and Healthcare sites.

About TechWeb (http://www.techweb.com/aboutus)

TechWeb, the global leader in technology media and professional content, is serves the needs of technology decision-makers and technology marketers worldwide. TechWeb produces the most respected and consumed media brands in the business technology market. Today, more than 13.3 million* business technology professionals actively engage in our communities created around our global face-to-face events Interop, Web 2.0, Black Hat and VoiceCon; online resources such as the InformationWeek, Light Reading, Network Computing, and Insurance & Technology; and the market leading, award-winning InformationWeek, Wall Street & Technology, and Advanced Trading magazines. TechWeb also provides end-to-end services ranging from next-generation performance marketing to integrated media, market research and analyst services. TechWeb is a division of United Business Media, a global provider of news distribution and specialist information services with a market capitalization of more than $2.5 billion.

*13.3 million business decision-makers: based on number of monthly connections across TechWeb brands.

About Theo Networks (www.theonetworks.com)

Theo Networks, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, is on a mission to enrich the business IQ of mobile professionals around the globe. Theo Network's ground breaking SaaS platform & mobile application brings multimedia article summaries from leading magazines, analysts, and product companies to PCs, BlackBerrys, and iPhones of global users. Theo enables its customers to summarize, deliver, and track their critical content to mobile audiences, while Mobile Users get just the facts they need in a format that makes sense for today's smartphones. Theo's innovative solutions are setting the new standard in prioritizing mobile communications for global publishers and enterprises.

  Contact: Scott Vaughan                      Contact: Wes Daniel
           Vice President, Marketing Services          President
           InformationWeek                             Theo Networks
           949.223.3662                                970-379-6939
           svaughan@techweb.com                        wes@theonetworks.com

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact: EAsuncion@cmp.com


CONTACT: Scott Vaughan, Vice President, Marketing Services,
InformationWeek, +1-949-223-3662, or svaughan@techweb.com; or Wes Daniel,
President, Theo Networks, +1-970-379-6939, wes@theonetworks.com

Web Site: http://www.techweb.com/aboutus